This training demonstrates to researchers how sharing preprints can improve their research and support open science.
By the end of this training, learners should:
- Know what preprints are.
- Be able to find a suitable preprints platform to share their early findings.
- Understand the pro and cons of sharing preprints.
- Be aware of how sharing preprints can benefit their career progression.
Training Outline:
- What are preprints?
- What do your peers think about preprints?
- Weighing the pros and cons of preprints.
- Want to give it a try? Discipline-specific and general preprint repositories that you can use.
- Preprints in the time of COVID-19.
Resources for facilitators and learners
Videos and webinars:
- Webinar recording and slides: “How to train students and researchers on the topic, Preprints”, Ana Đorđević, Faculty of Chemistry Library, University of Belgrade, and EIFL.
- “Preprints”, Professor Marcus Munafò, University of Bristol, Dr Jonny Coates, Queen Mary University of London, Dr Jake Ayres, University of Bristol, Nona Pariente, Editor-in Chief, PLOS Biology, UK Reproducibility Network.
- “What are preprints?”, Science Communication Lab.
- “Introduction to Preprints”, Philip Cohen, Center for Open Science.
Library guides:
- “Open research handbook: Preprints”, University of Reading.
- “Understanding Research Impact: Preprints pros and cons”, River Campus Libraries.
- Kristina Hettne, Ron Aardening, Dirk van Gorp, Chantal Hukkelhoven, Nicole Loorbach, Jeroen Sondervan, & Astrid van Wesenbeeck. (2021). A Practical Guide to Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly Communication (1.0). Zenodo.
Examples of presentations, guides, handouts and tip sheets:
- Preprint Info Center, ASAPbio.
- Preprints in the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, ASAPbio.
- List of funder policies, ASAPbio.
- Directory of Open Access Preprint Repositories.
- “Pre-prints Training Materials”, UK Reproducibility Network.
- Bourne PE, Polka JK, Vale RD, Kiley R. Ten simple rules to consider regarding preprint submission. PLoS Comput Biol 13(5): e1005473.
- Carneiro, C.F.D., Queiroz, V.G.S., Moulin, T.C. et al. Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature. Res Integr Peer Rev 5, 16 (2020).
- Fraser N, Brierley L, Dey G, Polka JK, Pálfy M, Nanni F, et al. (2021) The evolving role of preprints in the dissemination of COVID-19 research and their impact on the science communication landscape. PLoS Biol 19(4): e3000959.
- Penfold NC, Polka JK (2020) Technical and social issues influencing the adoption of preprints in the life sciences. PLoS Genet 16(4): e1008565.