EIFL has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 2015. We supported the creation of the Consortium des Bibliothèques Académiques du Congo (COBAC) and are working with publishers to help provide libraries in the DRC with access to a wide range of scholarly e-resources. EIFL agreements with publishers also allow authors in the DRC to publish in open access in hybrid or fully open access journals at waived or discounted Article Processing Charges (APCs).
With EIFL support, Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs in Goma (ULPGL-Goma), adopted the first institutional open science policy in the country - Charte de l’ULPGL pour la science ouverte - in August 2022, and created an institutional open access repository. EIFL has been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 2015.