Adila was nominated by the Azerbaijan Library and Information Cons (...)
Adisak was nominated by the Electronic Information for Libraries i (...)
Albana was nominated by the Albanian Library Consortium to serve a (...)
Alenka was nominated by the Consortium of Slovene Electronic Collec (...)
Alisher was nominated by the EIFL Uzbekistan Consortium to serve as (...)
Anna was nominated by the Digital Library Association of Armenia (D (...)
Mac Anthony was nominated by the Consortium of Academic and Researc (...)
Arnold was nominated by the Kenya Libraries and Information Service (...)
Asad was nominated by the Palestinian Library and Information Conso (...)
Awa was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l' Enseign (...)
Babelshafia was nominated by Sudanese Academic Libraries Consortium (...)
Bedassa Motuma was nominated by the Consortium of Ethiopian Academi (...)
Benson was nominated by the Zambia Library Consortium (ZALICO) to (...)
Blessings was nominated by the Malawi Library Information Consortiu (...)
Boris was nominated by the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinat (...)
Bosco Apparatus was nominated by the Consortium of Uganda Universit (...)
Buhle was nominated by the Lesotho Library Consortium (LELICO) to s (...)
Bukurije was nominated by the Association of Electronic Libraries i (...)
Cécile was nominated by the Consortium des Bibliothèques de l‘Ensei (...)
Chifundo was nominated by the Malawi Library Information Consortium (...)