This training covers the key issues involved in managing research data and the overall benefits of following best practice in this area.
By the end of this training, learners should:
- Understand which data they can make open and which need to be protected.
- Understand the FAIR and CARE data principles.
- Be able to select which data to keep and find an appropriate repository for them.
- Understand funder requirements regarding data.
- Understand what personal data are and how they can protect them, what to consider when developing consent forms, how to store data securely and how to anonymize data.
- Understand how to re-use data and how to select the appropriate licence for their data.
- Understand research data management for basic quality assurance, replicability and reusability.
- Learn tips for how to get maximum impact from their research data.
Training Outline:
- Why data management is important. What are the efficiencies and the drivers (micro / macro)?
- Data organization, documentation and metadata.
- Data storage and back-up.
- Legal and ethical requirements.
- Data sharing and re-use.
- Long-term preservation.
- FAIR and CARE data principles.
- Data management responsibilities.
Resources for facilitators and learners
Online Courses:
- As this is a complex area, to deepen your knowledge, we suggest you complete five short courses developed by FOSTER:
- “Data Management Expert Guide”, CESSDA.
- “MANTRA Research Data Management Training” – an online course for those who manage digital data as part of their research project, The University of Edinburgh.
- “Research Data Management and Sharing” on Coursera offered by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and The University of Edinburgh.
- Jeffrey Pomerantz. “Metadata MOOC”, originally taught on Coursera, created for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- “OS101 Module 3: Open Data”. NASA TOPS Open Science 101 Materials.
- Webinar recording and slides:“Research data management and open data: Training approaches”, Obrad Vučkovac; Irena Nježić. In this EIFL train-the-trainer bootcamp session Obrad Vučkovac talks about research data management and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data principles. Irena Nježić provides an overview of research data management plans and talks about research data publishing. Presentations and other support materials are available on OpenPlato
- Webinar recording and slides: "How to train students and researchers on the topic, Managing and Sharing Research Data", David Ball, David Ball Consulting; Samuel Simango, Stellenbosch University Library; Obrad Vučkovac, Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, and EIFL.
Library Guides:
- “Research Data management”, University College Dublin.
Examples of presentations, practical exercises, guides and tip sheets:
- Obrad Vučkovac. “Research Data Management" [download].
- Obrad Vučkovac. “FAIR principles" [download].
- Irena Nježić. “Data publishing" [download].
- Amanda Doran. “Managing your research data: all disciplines”, University College Dublin.
- Information sheet “Where to submit data”, University College Dublin.
- Guide for Researchers “How do I know if my research data is protected”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How do I license my research data”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “Can I reuse someone else’s research data”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to comply with Horizon Europe mandate for Research Data Management”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “RDM in Horizon Europe proposals”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to identify and assess Research Data Management costs in H2020 projects”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to make your data FAIR”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to find a trustworthy repository for your data”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “Data formats for preservation", OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to deal with non-digital data”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “How to deal with sensitive data”, OpenAIRE.
- Guide for Researchers “Raw data, backup and versioning”, OpenAIRE.
- “Research Data Management Adventure game”, University of Bath Library and Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service.
- “Training on research data management for social sciences”, CESSDA.
- “Research Data Management Handbook: A primer on managing your research data”, OpenAIRE.
- “CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance”.
- “RDMkit”, ELIXIR-Europe. The Research Data Management toolkit for Life Sciences: Best practices and guidelines to help you make your data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)
- “FAIR Game”: Use this checklist: Jones, Sarah, & Grootveld, Marjan.”How FAIR are your data?”. URL: to analyse these four datasets: URLs:,, and
- “”: A curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies.
- D.B. Deutz, M.C.H. Buss, J. S. Hansen, K. K. Hansen, K.G. Kjelmann, A.V. Larsen, E. Vlachos, K.F. Holmstrand. How to FAIR: a Danish website to guide researchers on making research data more FAIR; URLs: and
- “FAIR assessment tool: F-UJI”, FAIRsFAIR.
- “FAIR Data Self-assessment Tool”, ARDC.
- “FAIR assessment tool: SATYFID”, DANS (Self-Assessment Tool to Improve the FAIRness of Your Dataset).
- “DANS Data Game”: card and online game developed by the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS).
- Data Horror Escape Room, The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Connie Clare, Maria Cruz, Elli Papadopoulou, James Savage, Marta Teperek, Yan Wang, Iza Witkowska, and Joanne Yeomans. “Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook”, Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2019.