Make your work count

This training clarifies common sources of confusion about metrics, describes types of impact, introduces core metrics concepts and explores sources of metrics.

icon - learning curveBy the end of this training, learners should:

  • Be able to choose appropriate types of research impact metrics for their scholarship. 


icon - outlineTraining Outline: 

  • Recognize the types of research impact metrics that can be applied to various forms of scholarship.
  • Describe common tools for gathering research impact metrics and qualitative evidence for public scholarship.
  • Be aware of the appropriate uses and limitations of citation metrics and altmetrics.
  • Develop a strategy for gathering evidence of impact and value for your own public scholarship.
  • Provide examples of how the library can support researchers and students in gathering evidence of impact. 


Resources for workshop facilitators and learners

icon - online courseOnline courses:


icon - webinarWebinars, online tutorials: 


icon - library guidesLibrary Guides:


icon - resourcesExamples of presentations, guides, templates and tip sheets:


icon - articleArticle: