EIFL webinar: How to train students and researchers about the topic, Institutional repository

Practical advice, ideas and tips for librarians who provide digital research literacy training for students and researchers

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Milica Ševkušić, Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and EIFL Open Access Programme Coordinator in Serbia
April 2021

The benefits of using institutional repositories is one of the topics included in the  EIFL Digital Research Training Programme Outline for Librarians. In this webinar (1 hour 10 minutes), Milica Ševkušić, from the Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and EIFL Open Access Programme Coordinator in Serbia, discusses the benefits of institutional repositories, covering issues including visibility, interoperability and integrations (aggregators, ORCID, Google Scholar). She provides practical ideas and tips for training students and researchers about the benefits of institutional repositories, including topics and training formats, audiences, how to address common misconceptions and other tricky issues, training as advocacy and how to include repository champions in the training. 

Download the slides of the presentation.

This is the fourth in a series of 12 EIFL webinars in which presenters give practical advice, ideas and tips on how to train on topics included in the EIFL Digital Research Literacy Training Programme Outline for Librarians. The webinars take place on Wednesdays at 9:00 GMT, from late March to June 2021. More about the webinar series, recordings of previous webinars and the dates of future webinars.