Measuring research impact is one of the topics covered in the EIFL Digital Research Training Programme Outline for Librarians. In this hour-long EIFL webinar, titled ‘Make your work count’, Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, talks about library-based skills and training on research impact. The webinar covers how to train students and researchers in the following -
- How to choose the appropriate types of research impact metrics for particular types of scholarship;
- Basic level research impact skills for all;
- Common tools for gathering research impact metrics and qualitative evidence for public scholarship;
- Promoting awareness of the appropriate uses and limitations of citation metrics and altmetrics;
- Individual and group strategies for gathering evidence of impact and value for public scholarship;
- How the library can support researchers and students in gathering evidence of impact.
See the presentation slides -
- Make your work count (PowerPoint)
In addition, Niamh Brennan shared two templates -
- Research Impact Report Planning template (Word)
- Research Impact Case Study template (Word)
And referred to two useful resources -
- Bryant, Rebecca (2021) Emerging Roles for Libraries in Bibliometric and Research Impact Analysis: Lessons Learned from the University of Waterloo. OCLC Research. Webinar Series. Link to webpage: https://hangingtogether.org/?p=8830 Watch on You Tube: https://youtu.be/tE6NTCVIgBU
- Gordon, Shannon, and Alison Hitchens. Library Impact Practice Brief: Supporting Bibliometric Data Needs at Academic Institutions. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, October 28, 2020. https://doi.org/10.29242/brief.waterloo2020
This is the 12th and final EIFL webinar in the series in which presenters give practical advice, ideas and tips on how to train on topics included in the EIFL Digital Research Literacy Training Programme Outline for Librarians. More about the webinar series and recordings of previous webinars.