This is the third updated version of the EIFL Digital Research Literacy Training Programme Outline for Librarians, which is now available online or for download in PDF [for PDF click the download button on the left].
Digital research literacy comprises the skills, knowledge and understanding required to produce quality research outputs in a digital environment. The EIFL Digital Research Literacy Training Programme Outline for Librarians enables librarians to train and support researchers and students to produce quality research outputs. It is organized according to the research cycle: Discover, Manage Research Data, Publish, Disseminate and Increase Visibility, and Measure Impact. Each section gives an overview of the topic, what the trainer should cover, and what the learner should gain by the end of the training.
The third updated version includes many new resources for facilitators and learners, including webinars, videos and online tutorials, library guides, tipsheets and examples of handouts and presentations. We have also removed resources that have become outdated or less relevant in a fast-moving digital world.
The training programme outline was first published in November 2020, updated in 2021 and 2023.
We would like to acknowledge and thank all the universities whose resources are included in this training programme outline, and the people who gave presentations and shared their expertise through our series of webinars.