The EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) Core and Marketplace Provider Days will offer a crash course on what can be made available through the EOSC portal and marketplace and how to add your content. EOSC Future project experts will present which tools and support for providers are already available and what features will be launched in the coming months.
On 26 April there will be an overview of the different elements of the EOSC Platform that are useful for providers. On 27 and 28 April, there will be more specific sessions for particular providers - libraries, repositories, universities, HPC (High Performing Computing) centres, science clusters and research infrastructures, commercial providers and national infrastructures. There will also be a training session on how to onboard research resources to the EOSC. Iryna Kuchma, EIFL Open Access Programme Manager, is one of the training session co-organizers.
See the programme, choose the sessions that best fit your needs, and register for your preferred sessions.