This Webinar addresses the issues of enabling users to discover and access e-resources, and managing expanding e-resource collections cost-effectively. These are key challenges facing libraries around the world today.
EIFL-FOSS and EIFL-Licensing organised the third EIFL-FOSS Themed Week for 2011 about CUFTS/GODOT. This open source serials management system and link resolver has been widely adopted by academic institutions to help them manage collections effectively and to facilitate access to resources.
The session was presented by Kevin Stranack, a Canadian librarian who has worked extensively in providing support services for the reSearcher suite of library tools from Simon Fraser University, and the Public Knowledge Project, which is responsible for the widely deployed Open Journal System (OJS) among other applications to support knowledge sharing.
Kevin was supported by Art Rhyno, Systems Librarian at the University of Windsor, Canada.
Participants also heard about the activities of EIFL-FOSS Coordinator for Russia Andrey Sokolov in implementing CUFTS in the Scientific Library of St. Petersburg State University.
Related Links
CUFTS is an electronic resource management tool that, along with GODOT and dbWiz, makes up the reSearcher suite of tools.
- Languages: English
- Homepage
- (cufts2.lib.sfu.ca/trac/CUFTS/wiki/DownloadCufts) Download page
- Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL)
- (eln.bc.ca/view.php?id=1508) User community
- Developer community
GODOT, a part of the reSearcher suite of tools, provides direct links to full-text collections via the CUFTS KnowledgeBase.
- Languages: English
- Homepage
- Download page
- Licence: GNU General Public License (GPL)
- (lib-code.lib.sfu.ca/projects/godot) User community
- Developer community