The fourth and final FOSTER seminar in the series 'Promoting Open Science among Young Researchers: Challenges and Opportunities' will be held at Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania.
Pablo de Castro, Open Access Project Officer at the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), will introduce the (openaire.eu/postgrantoapilot) FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot recently launched by the European Commission (EC) and the OpenAIRE project. The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot funds open access publishing fees of articles and books arising from completed FP7 projects.
The seminar will examine the EC open access policy context for the FP7 and the H2020 programmes, and the level of policy alignment across European Union. The seminar will also discuss the status of the open access infrastructure required to support a national-level open access policy.
The seminar series has been organized by Kaunas University of Technology in partnership with the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, Lietuvos mokslo taryba (Research Council of Lithuania), the Lithuanian Research Libraries Consortium (lmba.lt), which is an EIFL partner, and Mykolas Romeris University.
EIFL is a partner in FOSTER, short for Facilitate Open Science training for European Research.
FOSTER is a EC-funded project that supports different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in practising open access, open data sharing and open science. EIFL leads the training programme.