The FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) project has announced it will be supporting an additional 24 training programmes from 18 countries in 2015.
EIFL is a partner in the European Commission (EC) funded project that aims to set in place sustainable mechanisms for EU researchers to foster open science in their daily workflows.
EIFL leads the training programme and events will be occurring this year in Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Last year, FOSTER co-funded 17 training programmes in 13 European Union countries.
EIFL is looking forward to working with the following organizations on the following events:
April 2015
- University of Oxford (UK): “2020 Vision: Making your research output compliant.”
- Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (Germany): “Software writing skills for your research - develop, publish, cite, and get credit for scientific code.”
- University College Cork, Repository Network of Ireland, Teagasc (Ireland): “Open access and Research Data Management: Horizon 2020 and beyond.”
May 2015
- Young Alliance Against Cancer (Denmark): “Leveraging open science to facilitate interdisciplinary cancer research.”
- Czech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic): “Czech Open Science Days 2015."
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain): “Sharing European research outcomes: Raising awareness on open access, open research data and open science.”
- University of Malta (Malta): “Open access and its impact on research and scholarship.”
- YEAR – Young European Associated Researchers (Belgium): “YEAR Annual Conference 2015: Open science in Horizon 2020.”
June 2015
- The Flemish Interuniversity Council (Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad/VLIR) (Belgium): “Embracing data management.”
- University Paris Descartes (France): “Open access and data management in H2020 calls.”
- Open Knowledge Foundation Greece (Greece): “Discovering open science and open opportunities.”
- University of Edinburgh (UK): “Good practice in data management and data sharing workshop; disclosure control techniques for data sharing.”
July 2015
- Università degli Studi di Trieste (Italy): “Empowering graduate students: science dissemination and science communication ‘in the open’"
September 2015
- European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) (Germany): “Access in action for clinical research.”
October 2015
- Open Access Week 2015
- University of Cyprus Library (Cyprus): “Open access to research publications and data.”
- Agropolis International (France): “Open access / open data training for the Agropolis scientific community.”
- VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands): “Connecting research data: Best practices for data sharing and data reuse”
- University of Helsinki (Finland): “Open science workshop – Open Access Week 2015 event.”
- University of Tartu Library (Estonia): “A three-step approach to practical trainings on open access policy development and Research Data Management (RDM)”
- National Library of Latvia, University of Latvia and Riga technical University (Latvia): “Open Access Days in the National Library of Latvia.”
All year events
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) (Austria): "Training session on open access and open data in Horizon 2020."
- Association of Research Managers and Administrators (UK): “Translating policy ambitions into a compliant reality: applying and adapting best practice in open access publishing and research data management.”
- Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania): “Promoting open science among young researchers: Challenges and opportunities.”
- University of Essex (UK): “Research Data Management for open data doctoral training series.”
Note that for some events, dates and titles are still preliminary. For updates, please visit the FOSTER Training portal that will be updated with event details, registration information and, after the event is finished, the resulting training materials. You can also consult training materials, grouped per subject area, of past FOSTER events.
Follow FOSTER on Twitter @fosterscience and on Facebook and use #fosteropenscience when talking about our events.