Four training sessions are planned to increase young researchers’ competence on open science and to develop practical skills on open access publishing and research data management. The series of workshops and a round-table discussion with different stakeholders (policy makers, funding agencies institutional managers, research administrators, etc.) will be organized. Representatives from the Research Council of Lithuania, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, the National Points of Reference on Access to and Preservation of Scientific Information will participate in the round table discussion. Three training sessions will be targeting young researcher and one training event will be dedicated to training the trainers.
During the workshops it is expected to train up to 300 people and via online video material the project will additionally reach 400 researchers and doctoral students and 100 librarians.
After attending the project workshops the librarians and young researchers will organize open access, open data and open science events at their institutions.
The training materials will be integrated in the course on Scholarly Communication and Open Access which will be run as one credit (27 hours) optional module at at least two universities. And later on an e-learning training programme will be created integrated into doctoral studies programmes. And recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania will be provided to increase the openness of science in the country.
Kaunas University of Technology implements this project in partnership with the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, Lietuvos mokslo taryba (Research Council of Lithuania), Lithuanian Research Libraries Consortium (lmba.lt) (EIFL partner in Lithuania) and Mykolas Romeris University.
EIFL is a partner in the European Commission funded project FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research) and leads the training work-package, which aims to set in place sustainable mechanisms for EU researchers to foster open science in their daily workflow.
Tentative events schedule
March 19, 2015
- Discussing EU and national open access, open data and open science policies and practices, in particular, in relation to publicly funded research in Horizon 2020 and national grant schemes.
- Linking open access research publications to open research data.
- See an overview of the event here
April 15, 2015
- Discussing institutional open access repositories and research data archives: practical guidelines on how to comply with Horizon 2020 open access requirements, how to submit publications to the national and international repositories of publications and data.
- The overview of the open access infrastructure in Lithuania (eLABa, Lituanistika, MIDAS, LiDA, etc.).
September 25, 2015
- Discussing open science, open access publishing and open peer-review.
- Intellectual property rights, copyright and licensing issues, Creative Commons Licences
October 21, 2015
- Discussing research data management plan, issues of research data management planning.
- Traditional and alternative research evaluation, almetrics.
See the training programme page on FOSTER portal and more information about EIFL's involvement in the project here.