This call closed on 8 November 2021. Winners to be announced early in 2022.
The new EIFL Public Library Innovation Award call – for public libraries supporting education recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic – is now open for applications.
COVID-19 has disrupted education all over the world. Closures of educational institutions, still ongoing in many places, have affected billions of children, youth and adults, damaging their wellbeing, life chances and livelihoods. To lessen education losses and accelerate progress towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG 4), UNESCO has called on different players - from international organizations to governments, civil society, educators and students - to work together on education recovery.
By providing access to information and learning resources, digital infrastructure and skills training, and educational programmes for children and adults, public libraries are making vital contributions to achieving SDG 4. During the COVID-19 pandemic, public librarians worked hard to adapt and continue library services under lockdown, quarantine and other restrictions.
This innovation award call seeks to highlight good practices and effective strategies by public libraries that are helping learners and educators make up for learning losses, adjust to new forms of learning, and continue their education during and after the pandemic.
The prize is US$1,500 plus wide publicity through EIFL’s global communication channels and networks.
The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, 8 November 2021.
Applications will be accepted in English, French, Russian and Spanish.
How to apply: English / French / Russian / Spanish
This is the 15th EIFL Public Library Innovation Award. Read about the winners of past award calls.