EIFL, AJOL (African Journals Online) and WACREN (the West and Central African Research and Education Network) have invited African organizations - legal entities that own open access (OA) journals that do not charge any fees for either authors or readers (often referred to as Diamond OA journals), and where editorial teams are based - to participate in the grant call, Strengthening no-fee open access publishing in Africa.
The call aims to enhance the quality and strengthen the sustainability of Diamond OA publishing in Africa. It is the first of two open calls for proposals that are part of the three-year Collaboration for sustainable open access publishing in Africa project that was launched in November 2023 with funding from Wellcome.
The deadline for applying for a grant is 23:59 GMT on 17 June 2024.
To support organizations in their applications, we have organized five online Question Sessions. If you have any questions about the call - its aims, the eligibility criteria, proposal writing (including work plans and budgets), how to apply, or anything else, please bring them to these sessions. The sessions are open to all potential applicants.
- 2nd Question Session date and time: Wednesday, May 22 at 9:00 UTC
- To register: You can register here
Find out more about the grant call.
Save the dates - further Question Sessions will take place as follows -
- Tuesday, May 28 at 9:00 UTC: registration link
- Monday, June 3 at 9:00 UTC: registration link
- Tuesday, June 11 at 9:00 UTC: registration link