EIFL and IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) are co-organizing a session on emerging lessons for libraries in the COVID-19 pandemic during the Week of Intellectual Property, the Public Interest and Covid-19 that takes place online from 5th - 9th October 2020.
The session 'Pandemic-Proof Libraries: Lessons from COVID-19' will focus on the different angles related to copyright reform and licensing practices that will need to be addressed to ensure that libraries can function properly in a post-COVID world, as well as future pandemics and other disruptive events.
The session will consist of short presentations by panelists from Canada, Chile, South Africa, the UK and the USA: Caroline Ball, University of Derby; Denise Nicholson, Wits University; Jonathan Band, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law; Camille Francoise, IFLA; Paul St-Pierre, University of Guelph; Luis Villarroel Villalon, Innovarte. Teresa Hackett, Manager of the EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme, will provide the introduction and will moderate the session.
Participation during and after the session will take place through Telegram - contributions and experiences from different countries and regions are welcome.
Date and time: 7 October 2020, 09.00 NYC, 14.00 UK
Full details and joining information for the session are available here.