Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement. The aim of the week is to raise awareness about the Open Education Movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide.
Open Education Week is coordinated by the Open Education Consortium, an association of hundreds of organizations from around the world that are committed to the ideals of open education. During the week, universities, colleges, schools and other educational organizations showcase what they’re doing to make education more open, free, and available to everyone.
The EIFL Open Access Programme supports Open Education Week, and encourages participation by people promoting and advocating for open education in EIFL partner countries.
The call for participation is open until 28 February 2017
- Display the Open Education Week banner on your website or blog (download the banners).
- Direct people to the Open Education Week social media sites: facebook.com/openeducationwk, (twitter.com/openeducationwk), https://www.youtube.com/user/openeducationweek/.
- Post or retweet tweets using hashtag #openeducationwk. Tweet in your language.
- Write an opinion piece for the editorial page of your local newspaper or for news websites.
- Contact community education or on-campus groups and ask them to participate.
- Write blog posts about Open Education Week (and share them on the info@openeducationweek.org website site).
To find out more about Open Education Week, how you can take part and what events are planned, visit the Open Education Week website.