Teresa Hackett, EIFL Copyright and Libraries Programme Manager, will give a short video presentation on recent developments in Kyrgyzstan’s copyright law and the global context for copyright law reforms at a panel discussion in Bishkek entitled ‘Focusing on Open Educational Resources (OERs): Textbooks, Resources and Copyright’.
The current educational environment implies the re-thinking of learning supports with an emphasis on how to widen accessibility and increase open education. The event, organized by the Library of the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) and the Soros Foundation-Kyrgyzstan (SFK), will address the challenges of delivering open resources in the increasingly complex educational ecosystem.
The speakers will discuss trends in OERs and recent developments in Kyrgyzstan’s copyright law which affect the development of publicly funded educational resources.
The other speakers are Anita Walz, Open Education, Copyright, and Scholarly Communication Librarian at Virginia Tech in the US; Lira Samykbaeva, Manager, Freedom of Information Program at SFK, and Aisulu Chubarova, Assistant Professor of the Division of Law, AUCA.
The moderator is Jyldyz Bekbalaeva, Library Director, AUCA and EIFL Country Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan.