The ( LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche - Association of European Research Libraries) 43rd Annual Conference on ‘Research Libraries in the 2020 Information Landscape’ will take place in Riga, Latvia, on 2-5 July 2014.
EIFL-OA Programme Manager Iryna Kuchma will attend and will present the results of the ARL/CARL/COAR/LIBER Joint Task Force on Librarians’ Competencies in Support of E-Research and Scholarly Communication. Read more about the task force here.
The paper, 'Librarians’ Competencies in Support of E-Research and Scholarly Communication', was co-authored with Pascal Calarco, Rob Grim, Alicia López Medina, Susan Reilly, Judy Ruttenberg, Birgit Schmidt, Kathleen Shearer and Dominic Tate, and will be presented on July 4, 2014.
Iryna will also participate in the FOSTER/PASTEUR4OA Workshop: ‘Open Access Policy for Europe: the Implications for European Research Libraries’.
Read more about EIFL's involvement in FOSTER project here and in PASTEUR4OA project here.
LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche - Association of European Research Libraries) is the main network for research libraries in Europe.
In May 2013 EIFL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding signifying a new partnership with LIBER.