The Global Summit on Diamond Open Access brings together the diamond open access community in a dialogue involving journal editors, organizations, experts and other stakeholders from all continents. The event comprises a series of hybrid (in-person and online) and multilingual events organized by Redalyc, UAEMéx, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO, UÓR, ANR, cOAlition S, OPERAS and Science Europe.
Iryna Kuchma, Manager of the EIFL Open Access Programme (EIFL-OA), and Milica Ševkušić, EIFL-OA Project Coordinator, together with Susan Murray from AJOL (African Journals Online), and Omo Oaiya from WACREN (West and Central African Research and Education Network), will present a poster on the ‘Collaboration for sustainable open access publishing in Africa’ project. This three-year project launches in November 2023 with support from Wellcome to empower the African diamond open access community and offer funding and cost-efficient, open, public and shared publishing infrastructures.
Diamond open access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. Costs and strategies for flipping APC-based journals to diamond open access will be defined and sustainability models discussed during the global summit. More about the summit, and registration.