Learn more about best practices in setting up a DSpace repository in this free webinar offered by EIFL and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
The main audience for this webinar is repository administrators and managers, information and communication technology (ICT) staff and librarians. Others are also welcome to join. The webinar will last about one hour.
Nason Bimbe (IDS, United Kingdom), Hilton Gibson (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) and Andrew Mwesigwa (Makerere University, Uganda) will share lessons learnt from helping Makerere University Library to manage digitisation projects and to maintain the DSpace repository that is used to disseminate the university’s intellectual outputs.
Felix Rop (African Digital Libraries Support Network) will speak about hosting digital libraries on the cloud, using the (adlc.info) platform as a case study.
The speakers will discuss best practices for running sustainable institutional repositories, and DSpace repository operations optimisation, drawing on experiences gained from managing the following repositories:
- (makir.mak.ac.ug) Makerere University Institutional Repository
- SUNScholar : Stellenbosch University (SUN) Institutional Repository
- SUNDigital Collections
- University of Namibia Library - UNAM Scholarly Repository
- IDS OpenDocs
Date: 20 January 2016
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
How to register: Click here to register and to read more about the programme
How to participate: go to instantpresenter. The password is DSpace
All you will need to join in the webinar is an internet-connected computer with sound (and maybe headphones if you are in a busy room).
To check if your computer can access the session, please go to: instantpresenter