Webinar: Join this webinar organized by EIFL, COAR, OpenAIRE and DIGITAL.CSIC (digital.csic.es) to find out more about what innovative services like altmetrics and open peer review repositories can provide to researchers and research institutions.
Isabel Bernal (DIGITAL.CSIC manager) will talk about integrating altmetrics and open peer review modules into DIGITAL.CSIC, which is the institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council.
This introductory webinar is aimed at repository managers, researchers, librarians and the wider community of open access and open science advocates.
Date: 23 June 2016
Time: 16:00 - 17:00 CEST / 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)
How to register: Click docs.google.com/forms/d/11_AtFnhRi_pJ1hIatPa8uKE15usGOXbwojPQNBABQaI/viewform to register
How to participate: Go to instantpresenter
DIGITAL.CSIC organizes, preserves and provides open access to research outputs by the multidisciplinary network of institutes and centres belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public research performing institution in Spain. DIGITAL.CSIC has been experimenting with innovative services, including alternative impact metrics, support to non-traditional research artifacts like datasets and code, emerging peer review practices and authors profiles.
- DIGITAL.CSIC www.csic.es (digital.csic.es)
- Open Peer Review Module: http://proyectos.bibliotecas.csic.es/digitalcsic/oprm/index_eng.html
- CSIC: http://www.csic.es/