The IOPscience Extra package gives access to 91 subscription journals. 65 of these are current journals and 26 are historic journals, (these are journals that have changed name over time or which no longer publish). The package also provides access to all archival content across all years.
Subject coverage
Physics, Astronomy and astrophysics, Atomic and molecular physics, Biomedical engineering, Condensed matter, Education, Environment and energy, Instrumentation and measurement, Materials, Mathematics and computation, Medical physics and biophysics, Optics and photonics, Particle and nuclear physics, Biosciences, Plasmas, Quantum science
IOP Science Extra is available through the IOP Science platform, which also includes access to all IOP open access journals.
Explore IOPscience subject areas here.
Key features
- The IOPscience platform makes it easy for researchers to discover relevant content and manage their research
- Enhanced search filtering enables users to find relevant content quickly
- Related content can be found with ease through subject classification codes
- Users can re-run previous searches, tag, save and share favourite articles, and register for RSS feeds and email alerts when new content in selected areas is published
Further information
- IOP Science Extra title list
- Browse full list of titles on the IOP journal list
- Librarian support
- View a series of six short, easy-to-follow videos that demonstrate the search functionality and additional support available on the IOPscience platform.
- If you would like to request promotional materials to promote IOP Publishing journals or to request resources to support researchers, please email library.relations@iop.org